Today, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan attended Memantha Siddham meeting in Gudivada, Krishna district. Addressing the gathering, he remarked on the overwhelming presence of people in Gudivada, emphasizing their support for the government in the upcoming May 13 elections. Jagan expressed gratitude to the attendees individually, highlighting their unity and commitment.
Focusing on the welfare of the poor and the continuation of government schemes, Jagan urged the crowd to prepare for a battle against the ruling authorities. He commenced his speech in his characteristic style, rallying the audience for action.
Highlighting the government’s track record of 130 welfare initiatives, Jagan urged the people to symbolically support his party by pressing two buttons on the fan during the May 13 elections and encouraging others to do the same. He positioned himself as the only candidate with a proven record of positive contributions, contrasting himself with his opponents whom he labeled as conspirators and fraudsters.
Despite facing criticism and attacks, Jagan remained resolute, drawing parallels to the resilience of Arjuna in the Mahabharata. He reassured the audience that such attacks only reinforced his determination to serve the people, emphasizing that divine providence would guide him through adversity.
Jagan expressed confidence that the wounds inflicted by his opponents would heal with time, contrasting them with the lasting impact of Chandrababu’s actions against farmers, women, the unemployed, and various communities. He emphasized his commitment to goodness and service, contrasting it with Chandrababu’s purported nature of deceit and conspiracy.
LIVE : AP CM YS Jagan’s Public Meeting in Gudivada
Wednesday, January 22, 2025