AP Dalits outrage Against BJP selecting An Accused In dalit’s Massacre As District president

Thursday, March 6, 2025

After Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s egoistic comments against Dr BR Ambedkar in Rajya Sabha, dalits all over the country are expressing anger towards BJP and opposition parties are branding BJP as a party known for its hatred towards dalits. Some BJP leaders are deploring that the `selection’ of party presidents for 24 districts in Andhra Pradesh on Tuesday, has once again reflected its `anti-dalit’s’ attitude.

Among 24 districts only one dalit, Vikram Kishor in Eluru district was `selected’ as district BJP president. Moreover, in Kurnool district a leader, who is accused in a dalit massacre case, was selected as district president. This has been leading to outrage from various dalit organisations.

In 2022, in the Kamavaram village of Mantralayam Assembly Kowthalam mandal under Kurnool Parliament, the people of Kurnool have not forgotten the brutal act of chasing and dismembering the poor Dalits of that village, pouring petrol on their body parts and burning them. This extremely heinous act has led to a debate across the state.

The accused in this case, who was remanded for 45 days and released on bail,  Akkamathota Ramakrishna Paramahamsa has now been chosen as district BJP president. Dalits and civil rights activists from all over the state have been protesting against this brutality that took place in the Kurnool Parliament. 

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who was an accomplice in this Dalit massacre  case that created a sensation across the state, was arrested by the district police while these accused were absconding.

Surprisingly, dalit organisations are wondering that the BJP till now even did not seek his explanation for his involvement in dalit’s massacre. The BJP, which is talking about doing good for Dalits throughout the country under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is now surprisingly handing over the reins of the party to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, an accused in the  massacre of Dalits, as its Kurnool president.

People are questioning why the leadership of the BJP, which is naturally educated and intelligent, is being handed over to a `ruthless murderer’. Various dalit organizations stating that `swear on the relatives of the Dalits who lost their lives in the massacre that we will fight tirelessly until Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is removed from the post of BJP district presidentship’.

Expressing shock over this development, a senior BJP’s women leader deplored over the leadership crisis of the party in Andhra Pradesh. She said earlier they used to select those who are champions in people’s movements and have the capacity of raising their voices against injustice to the people. But now, she alleged `money power’ playing key role and cases like rape, murder and SC/ST atrocities becoming `added qualifications’.

Though BJP claims of giving one third party positions to women without any reservation, out of 24 districts only two districts women were made as district presidents.

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