Prashant Kishor, a political strategist, has proposed that Rahul Gandhi consider stepping back if the Congress fails to meet its objectives in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Speaking to the media, Kishor voiced concerns about Rahul’s leadership, noting that despite heading the party, the Congress leader has not delivered the expected results over the past decade. Kishor criticized Gandhi for not allowing someone else to assume leadership responsibilities given the party’s lack of success in the past 10 years.
He described this stance as anti-democratic and revealed that he had devised a revival plan for the opposition party but withdrew due to differences with its leadership regarding the implementation of his strategy. Emphasizing the importance of acknowledging one’s limitations as a leader and being open to seeking assistance to address those shortcomings, Kishor suggested that effective leaders recognize their deficiencies and strive to bridge the gaps. However, he observed that Rahul Gandhi seems to believe he possesses all the necessary knowledge and does not perceive the need for external assistance in executing his vision effectively.
Prashant Kishor’s advise to Congress Party
Saturday, January 18, 2025