In Hyderabad, the Rouse Avenue Court is set to deliver its verdict today on the interim bail petition of MLC Kavitha, who is currently incarcerated in Tihar jail in connection with the Delhi liquor policy case. Kavitha had approached the court seeking bail for her younger son due to his upcoming exams. The arguments from both sides were presented before Judge Kaveri Baweja on May 4, following which the verdict was reserved. The court is scheduled to announce its decision at 10:30 a.m.
Kavitha was apprehended by the ED from her Hyderabad residence on May 15. Subsequently, she was presented before the Rouse Avenue Court in Delhi on May 16 and was remanded into 10-day ED custody. After the conclusion of her custody period, she was transferred to Tihar Jail on March 26. Her judicial custody is set to conclude on Tuesday. The court has specified that it will entertain arguments from both parties regarding Kavitha’s regular bail plea on the 20th of this month. Additionally, the court has granted permission to the CBI to interrogate Kavitha, despite her objections to the same
Judgment On MLC Kavita Bail Petition Today
Wednesday, January 22, 2025