In a significant development ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, Gutha Amith Reddy, son of Legislative Council chairman Gutha Sukender Reddy, defected from the BRS and joined the Congress in Nalgonda, Hyderabad, on Monday, with Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy present.
Amith Reddy was vying for the BRS Nalgonda ticket, which was ultimately awarded to Kancharla Krishna Reddy, the brother of former Nalgonda MLA Kancharla Bhupal Reddy. The decision caused discontent among both Gutha’s father and son towards the BRS leadership. The recent Assembly polls dealt a blow to the BRS in the undivided Nalgonda district, as it only managed to secure the Suryapet seat while the Congress swept the remaining 11.
Previously, leading up to the 2023 Assembly polls, the BRS had a stronghold on all 12 Assembly seats. With Amith’s departure, it is speculated that the Gutha family has distanced itself from the BRS.
Big Shock To BRS : Gutha Amit Reddy Joined Congress
Wednesday, January 22, 2025