YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) Rajya Sabha MP Vijayasai Reddy has announced his decision to step away from politics. In a significant move, he revealed that he would resign from his Rajya Sabha membership on January 25, despite his term being set to end in June 2028.
In a statement shared on social media, Vijayasai Reddy clarified, “I will not join any political party or resign in anticipation of other positions or benefits. This decision is entirely personal, free from any external pressure or influence. I remain indebted to the YS family, which has supported me for over four decades and three generations. I am deeply grateful to Jagan Mohan Reddy for the opportunity to serve as a Rajya Sabha member twice and to Bharathi for her encouragement. I sincerely wish Jagan success in his future endeavors.”
He also reflected on his political journey, stating, “As the Parliamentary Party Leader, Rajya Sabha Floor Leader, and National General Secretary of the party, I worked diligently for the welfare of the party and the state. I also acted as a bridge between the Centre and the state. My gratitude goes to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah for their support and recognition during my nine-year tenure.”
Addressing his stance on political matters, he remarked, “While I have had political differences with the TDP, I hold no personal grievances against Chandrababu’s family. Additionally, I share a long-standing friendship with Pawan Kalyan. My future plans involve focusing on agriculture.”
Vijayasai Reddy extended his heartfelt gratitude to the people of Andhra Pradesh, his colleagues, and party workers for their support throughout his political career. His unexpected resignation announcement has triggered discussions within the YSRCP, given his pivotal role in the party and his remaining tenure in the Rajya Sabha.