After getting snubbed by the Film Federation of India which denied an official entry into the Oscars, SS Rajamouli’s global smash hit RRR received a similar treatment by the jury of National Film Awards. Though the film won six national awards in various other categories, the main pillars of RRR – Rajamouli, NTR and Ram Charan failed to secure an award. Neither the director nor the two actors got recognition and the film also failed to get the ‘Best Film’ award for Telugu language. It was, however, conferred as the Most Popular Film by the jury.
RRR emerged as a global blockbuster after its release last year. The film received numerous plaudits from all quarters across the globe and also bagged many international laurels. The patriotic drama also received several distinctions at various renowned film festivals and walked away with many awards in the last 18 months. Their biggest achievement was securing an Oscar award in the Best Song Category.
It is very unfortunate for moviegoers and disheartening to the three R’s of RRR as they couldn’t make an impact individually. While Allu Arjun triumphed over Ram Charan and NTR for his crowd-pleasing act in Pushpa, it was Madhavan’s Rocketry that won the Best Film award. Telugu romantic entertainer Uppena won the Best Telugu Film award. Nikhil Mahajan won the Best Director Award.
So, the wait for Rajamouli, NTR and Ram Charan to grab the elusive glory continues.
The Three R’s of RRR get ignored again
Wednesday, January 22, 2025