The counting of votes for the Lok Sabha elections will take place on June 4, according to Telangana Chief Electoral Officer Vikas Raj. During a press conference, he detailed the stringent security and procedural measures that will be enforced at the counting centers.
Cell phones and electronic devices will be prohibited for agents and staff within the counting centers. A comprehensive four-tier security system will be in place, with CCTV cameras monitoring every corner of the facility. Approximately 10,000 personnel will participate in the vote counting, with staff being randomly assigned to different segments. On the morning of the counting day, at 5 am, the staff will be re-allotted randomly to ensure transparency and integrity. Tight security measures will be implemented from the strong room to the counting center to ensure a smooth and secure counting process.
TG Election Commission CEO Vikas Raj Press Meet
Wednesday, January 22, 2025