Ever since Mythri Movie Makers announced that NTR’s film with hotshot action director Prashanth Neel will start rolling out in August this year, rumors about the second installment of Salaar have started hitting the headlines all over the media and industry circles. While some outlets speculated that Salaar 2 would start after NTR 31, a few media houses even reported that it had been shelved due to budget constraints and script issues. These rumors irked Prabhas’ fans to the core because Hombale films, the production house behind Salaar, didn’t respond till now.
After maintaining stoic silence for a week, the team finally seems to have responded to the ongoing rumors in a subtle manner. The official X handle of ‘Salaar’ posted a picture of Neel and Prabhas from the sets of the first part and wrote, ‘They can’t stop laughing’. The picture they used indirectly conveys that both the director and the hero laughed off the rumors that claimed that the second part had been shelved. It looks like the team wanted to convey that Salaar 2 is very much happening, and there is no truth in those rumors.
Though Salaar 2 was supposed to kick off immediately after the release of the first part, it didn’t happen as Prabhas turned super busy with Kalki 2898AD. Meanwhile, Neel shifted his focus to the pre-production work on NTR 31. While many expected Neel to commence Salaar 2 in the next couple of months, the news about NTR31 came as a big surprise. Hence, rumors about Salaar 2 cropped up in no time.
It is now clear that both Neel and Prabhas are very determined to bring the next installment very soon. The first part emerged as a big hit as it plundered around 800 crores worldwide. The expectations for the second part are quite massive and Neel needs to deliver something big to match them. However, there is no clarity on when Salaar 2 will go on floors. Prabhas has multiple assignments after Kalki 2898AD. So, we have to wait for an official announcement.
Salaar team laughs off rumours in a subtle manner
Wednesday, January 22, 2025