Pawan Kalyan also addressed the matter concerning Mudragada Padmanabham’s daughter, Kranthi, during the event. “Mudragada Padmanabham garu’s daughter spoke in support of the Jana Sena party. I am the reason behind her support, and I am being criticized for it. However, I am someone who bridges different castes and communities; I do not sow divisions among families. There are no conflicts between Mudragada Padmanabhan and me. He never intended to fracture his family.
His daughter came to our party with confidence. I take it upon myself to treat her with the utmost respect, akin to my own sister. Nevertheless, I will have a conversation with Mudragada garu and seek his approval regarding his daughter’s affiliation with the Jana Sena party. As adults, we can resolve matters through dialogue… I extend my support to both him and his daughter. In the upcoming elections, I plan to nominate Kranthi, the daughter of Mudragada Padmanabham garu, as an MLA. I hold you in high regard. If Mudragada decides to join the YSRCP, we will honor his choice,” he stated.
Pawan Kalyan’s Commitment to Unity: Honoring Mudragada Padmanabham’s Daughter
Wednesday, January 22, 2025