Political leaders from various parties have condemned the stone-pelting incident targeting Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and YSRCP chief YS Jagan Mohan Reddy in Vijayawada on Saturday night. Jana Sena general secretary Konidela Nagababu strongly denounced the attack, labeling it as undemocratic. “As Jana Sena’s general secretary, I vehemently condemn this assault,” Nagababu stated, emphasizing that while criticism is a part of politics, physical violence is unacceptable and constitutes a criminal offense. He called upon the authorities to ensure that the perpetrators face strict punishment and to prevent such incidents from occurring again. Nagababu made these remarks on the ‘X’ platform.
During an assembly election campaign event in 2024, a miscreant hurled a stone at Singh Nagar, targeting CM Jagan Mohan Reddy while he was on a ‘We All Ready’ bus yatra. The Chief Minister sustained a minor injury to the upper part of his left eye.
Jana Sena leader Nagababu Denounces Stone-Pelting Incident on CM Jagan
Wednesday, January 22, 2025