Divyansha Kaushik made a glamourous debut in Tollywood with Naga Chaitanya’s romantic entertainer Majili. She played Chaitu’s girlfriend in the backstory and made a strong impact with her impressive screen presence though it is a brief role. After playing second fiddle in Majili, she grabbed the leading lady’s role in Ravi Teja’s ‘Rama Rao on Duty’, but failed to make a mark due to the insubstantial role. She also appeared in Sandeep Kishan’s Michael but success eluded her after a promising debut.
Now, Divyansha grabbed a meaty role in Vijay Devarakonda’s upcoming film with Parasuram. Tentatively titled Family Man, the film has Mrunal Thakur as the female lead. It is an out-and-out entertainer in Parasuram’s signature-style narration. Divyansha will have ample screen time with a strong character in the narrative. She is impressed with the script and jumped on the board immediately.
Divyansha joined the sets in the present schedule and commenced shooting for her role immediately. She is confident of carving out a niche in Tollywood with this film. Family Man is coming from the stables of Dil Raju’s Sri Venkateswara Creations banner. It is slated for release during Sankranti next year.
‘Majili’ beauty joins Vijay Devarakonda’s Family Man
Saturday, January 18, 2025