Chandrababu, the chief of TDP, attended a public meeting in Kurupam constituency, Parvathipuram Manyam district today. Expressing confidence, Chandrababu remarked that the enthusiastic turnout at the Kurupam meeting signals an impending victory. He urged support for Toyaka Jagadeeswari, the TDP candidate for the Kurupam assembly seat, highlighting her Adivasi background and likening her candidacy to having a family member run for MLA.
Chandrababu also endorsed BJP candidate Geetha for the MP seat, urging voters to cast their ballots for the lotus symbol. He lauded the BJP for elevating a tribal woman to the presidency, citing it as evidence of their commitment to tribal empowerment.
However, Chandrababu did not mince words when criticizing rival Jalaga Jagan, accusing him of betrayal and neglecting tribal development. He lamented the lack of progress in tribal areas under Jagan’s leadership and pledged to revive schemes for the impoverished tribal community, promising increased pensions and improved welfare measures.
Highlighting his party’s historical support for tribal upliftment, Chandrababu recalled initiatives under NTR’s leadership, such as the establishment of ITDA and employment opportunities for tribal teachers. He vowed to continue this legacy by increasing pensions and providing financial aid to the disabled.
In contrast, Chandrababu criticized Jagan’s administration for rising prices and utility charges, promising to tackle inflation once back in power. He urged voters to support the TDP-Jana Sena-BJP alliance, pledging to prioritize the needs of the tribal community and bring about positive change in their lives.
LIVE : Nara Chandrababu Naidu Public Meeting in Kurupam
Wednesday, January 22, 2025