KCR declares Telangana is an inspiration for the healthcare system

Monday, January 13, 2025

The Chief Minister of Telangana, KCR has wished everyone a happy world health day and declared that his state has become an inspiration for a top-notch healthcare system in the country.

The BRS Chief stated that the state is topping the charts in medical schemes as his government is taking special care of the health of its citizens. He reiterated the schemes he implemented such as Aarogyasri, KCR Kit, KCR Nutrition Kits, Arogya Lakshmi, Arogya Mahila, Amma Odi, etc are feathers in his cap which ended up as an example of how a state’s medical care should be done. KCR claimed that all the hospitals in the cities are well furnished with minimum facilities and that oxygen units are ready at any time. He promised to increase the staff of doctors and nurses who are specially trained to handle any situation in the future by declaring that Telangana has now become ‘Arogya Telangana’.

More medical colleges and nursing centers would be constructed in the upcoming days alongside diagnostics laboratories from the BRS Government. KCR also enlisted the initiatives he has taken such as Basti Dhawakanas and Palle Dhawakanas other than employees health scheme and many eye operations are done for more than one crore until now are some examples of how the T-state is battling the health crisis in India.

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