Tollywood director Parasuram, who helmed notable films like Geetha Govindham and Sarkaruvaari Paata, is in the thick of so many controversies in recent times. Earlier this year, notable producer Allu Aravind was supposed to address a press conference about Parasuram’s disloyal act of taking advance from him and shifting loyalties to Dil Raju’s camp. However, Aravind dropped the plan and settled the issue after having a heated discussion with Parasuram in his office. Later, Naga Chaitanya in an interview openly lashed out at Parasuram for wasting his time.
After Geetha Govindham, Parasuram took advances from a bunch of producers and verbally committed to doing films for them. However, he didn’t fulfill his commitments with any production house. Meanwhile, he jumped to Dil Raju’s camp and announced a new film with Vijay Devarakonda. After severing ties with Geetha Arts banner, Parasuram is now taking shelter under Dil Raju. He is reportedly getting a lot of support from Dil Raju on various issues.
Recently, 14 Reels Banner lodged a complaint against Parasuram in the film chamber. Parasuram promised to do a film for them and took advance a few years ago. Naga Chaitanya was supposed to play the lead role. However, the project was shelved after being in discussion for four years. So, 14 Reels want Parasuram to do a film for their banner at any cost. So, Dil Raju intervened and settled the matter. He reportedly used all his influence and convinced Tamil actor Karthi to work with Parasuram.
After wrapping up Vijay Devarakonda’s project, Parasuram will work with Karthi. With this, he will fulfill the obligation with 14 Reels banner. So, it is Dil Raju who is helping Parasuram during his tough times.
Industry Talk : Dil Raju shielding Parasuram
Tuesday, January 21, 2025