Actor Satya Dev carved out a niche for himself in Tollywood with impressive supporting roles in films like God Father, Kshanam and Appatlo Okaduvundevadu. As a hero, he did praise-worthy and critically acclaimed films like 47 Days, Bluff Master, and Thimmarusu. Now, he is once again coming up with a comedy caper titled Full Bottle.
Vijay Devarakonda unveiled the teaser of Full Bottle this Saturday evening and it promises a madcap thriller with a wild and wacky role played by Satya Dev. The thoroughly entertaining teaser presents the lead protagonist as a bloody drunkard ( Mercury Suri) who hails from Kakinada. His zany mannerisms and rib-tickling shtick manage to impress, but the core plot of the story isn’t revealed in this one-and-a-half-minute teaser which offers a crazy ride. There are a host of supporting actors like Sunil, Sai Kumar, Viva Harsha and others. Sanjana Anand is the female lead.
Satya Dev captures the attention with his comedy timing and flippant dialogues. Director Sharan Koppisetty seems to have extracted the best from him and presented an out-and-out youthful entertainer with a good dose of comedy and drama. Music by Smaran Sai is apt for the proceedings. The production values look adequate.
‘Full Bottle’ Teaser : A Madcap Thriller on the way
Wednesday, January 22, 2025