On Tuesday, Delhi’s Rouse Avenue Court prolonged the judicial detention of BRS MLC K Kavitha until April 23 in connection with the excise policy money laundering case. Special Judge Kaveri Baweja granted the Enforcement Directorate’s request, citing allegations of witness tampering and evidence manipulation by Kavitha, warranting a 14-day extension of her custody.
In response, K Kavitha denounced the case as politically motivated, asserting that it primarily relies on witness statements and targets opposition parties. She noted that her statement had already been recorded by the CBI during her incarceration.
The Enforcement Directorate argued in favor of the extension, emphasizing Kavitha’s alleged efforts to sway witnesses and tamper with evidence.
The court had previously deferred its decision on Kavitha’s interim bail plea until April 9. She has been in judicial custody following her arrest in the purported Delhi Excise policy money laundering case. Earlier, a Delhi court rejected BRS leader K Kavitha’s plea for interim bail, despite her citing her 16-year-old son’s exams as grounds for needing “moral and emotional support.”
Court extends remand of MLC Kavitha in Delhi Liquor Case
Wednesday, January 22, 2025