On Friday, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy accused the Congress of orchestrating efforts to secure victory for Chandrababu Naidu, with his disciple Revanth Reddy playing a pivotal role in the scheme. Responding to these allegations, Revanth Reddy dismissed the claims made by CM Jagan, asserting that he has no affiliations with Chandrababu and is committed to bolstering Sharmila’s leadership in Andhra Pradesh.
Revanth Reddy emphasized Sharmila’s significant stature in AP, noting Rahul Gandhi’s efforts to support her candidacy through a tour of the state. Dismissing CM Jagan’s credibility, Revanth urged him to address concerns raised by his family regarding the murder of his own son. He reiterated his dedication to the interests of Swarajya as the Telangana PCC president and chief minister. These remarks were made during a ‘Meet the Press’ event held in Hyderabad on Friday. Meanwhile, CM Jagan accused the Congress of colluding with Chandrababu to secure his victory, singling out Revanth Reddy as Chandrababu’s ally. He insinuated that Chandrababu maintains ties with both the BJP and Congress, while also indirectly criticizing the Congress party and APCC president Sharmila.
CM Revanth Reddy’s Shocking Comments on YS Jagan
Wednesday, January 22, 2025