Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has taken another key decision as part of his efforts to promote Telugu in administrative matters, which was completely ignored by the previous YS Jaganmohan Reddy’s regime. The government has decided to issue all government GOs in Telugu as well.
To this end, the General Administration Department has issued GO MS No. 3 stating hereafter all GOs will be issued both in English and Telugu. The government stated that this order plays a key role in the functioning of the government.
The government stated that it is reasonable to issue orders in Telugu in a state where 90 percent of the people speak Telugu. It stated that issuing such orders will help in the integration of Telugu language in AP as a first language state. It has issued orders to various departments to issue orders in both English and Telugu.
The government has provided the flexibility to issue orders in English first and upload them in Telugu within two days or issue them in Telugu first and issue orders in English or both languages simultaneously within two days. The General Administration Department has given instructions to various departments to take steps to issue the same orders in Telugu along with English.
The AP government has suggested that the services of the Director of Translation be used to translate government orders into Telugu. Principal Secretary of the General Administration Department S Suresh Kumar has issued orders in this regard. 7 more new airports are coming up in the state.
It may be recalled that Jaganmohan Reddy’s government had earlier put a halt to Telugu medium instructions in all government and municipal schools and introduced English medium, without recruiting a necessary number of teachers who can teach in English or providing any training to existing teachers to teach in English.
Soon after coming to power, the coalition government restored Telugu medium instructions in all government schools and started promoting Telugu language in various ways.