Tollywood star Allu Arjun has been granted conditional regular bail by the Nampally Court in connection with the Santhya Theatre stampede case. The court instructed the actor to submit two surety bonds of ₹50,000 each. Allu Arjun appeared virtually for the recent court proceedings following the completion of his remand.
On the same day, his legal team filed a petition seeking regular bail, and the court, after reviewing the petition, issued its ruling today. The court’s decision has provided a sense of relief to Allu Arjun’s family and fans.
However, the court has imposed several conditions as part of the bail. Allu Arjun is required to appear at the Chikkadapally police station every Sunday and is strictly prohibited from influencing any witnesses involved in the case. These details were confirmed by the actor’s lawyer, Ashok Reddy.