Adipurush writer Manoj Muntashir Shukla sought police intervention and requested for security after getting life threats from unknown persons for his dialogues in the Prabhas starrer which released last Friday. As per his request, Mumbai police provided him with security and launched an investigation into the matter.
It is a known fact Adipurush, a retelling of the epic Ramayana, was being criticized widely by moviegoers for distorting the original story and also for its pedestrian dialogues. After receiving flak from all quarters, the makers of Adipurush decided to revise the dialogues and add new lines from this week. Meanwhile, the writer Manoj Muntashir defended his dialogues and said they want to respect the opinion of audiences and doesn’t want to hurt any sentiments. So, they decided to do away with these dialogues which didn’t go well with the cinephiles.
He took to Twitter and posted a big write-up in Hindi which translates to “For me there is nothing greater than your feelings. I can give countless arguments in favour of my dialogues, but this will not lessen your pain. Me and the producer-director of the film have decided that we will revise some of the dialogues which are hurting you and they will be added to the film this week,”
Manoj further said that he was deeply hurt by the way people are resorting to throwing abuses on his mother and other family members.
Meanwhile, Adipurush performed extremely well in the first weekend as it posted fantastic numbers in most of the territories. The film will need to register decent footfalls from Monday in order to sustain in the long run.
Adipurush writer gets security amidst life threats
Saturday, January 18, 2025