Borugadda Anil Kumar, a rowdy-sheeter associated with the YSR Congress Party (YSRCP), faced a significant legal setback today in Andhra Pradesh. Once notorious for his contentious social media posts aimed at opposition leaders during the previous YSRCP regime, these very actions have now backfired under the current administration.
In response to complaints about his earlier posts, police in Anantapur registered a fresh case against Borugadda. Already in judicial custody, he was interrogated by the Anantapur police regarding the matter. However, his bid for bail hit a roadblock when the High Court dismissed his petition, dealing another blow to his legal battle.
During the hearing, the High Court expressed serious concerns about Borugadda’s actions, questioning whether his primary intent was to stir controversies online. The court emphasized that such behavior would not be tolerated, especially considering the multiple cases already filed against him. Reviewing the evidence and circumstances, the court rejected his bail plea, ensuring his continued detention.
Borugadda’s legal troubles don’t end here. Multiple charge sheets have already been filed against him in various cases, further complicating his situation. Reports suggest that while he focuses on obtaining bail, he has yet to challenge these cases legally through quash petitions.
The High Court’s firm stance against Borugadda’s bail plea underscores the severity of the charges and sets a strong precedent against misuse of social media for provocative activities. For now, Borugadda remains in custody, facing mounting legal challenges and an uncertain path ahead.