The BJP candidate for the Anakapalli Lok Sabha constituency, CM Ramesh, faced an attack by YSRCP activists. Today, in Madugula Mandal, the native village of Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Boody Muthyala Naidu, a commotion erupted. Early in the morning, campaigners representing the alliance attempted to canvass in Thaduwa village. However, YSRCP activists reportedly assaulted them and caused damage to their equipment.
Subsequently, when CM Ramesh arrived in Thaduwa village, police prevented his progress toward Boody Muthyala Naidu’s residence and attempted to remove him from the area. YSRCP activists blocked the police-escorted vehicle transporting CM Ramesh, and amidst police presence, he was attacked, resulting in his shirt being torn. It’s reported that three vehicles belonging to CM Ramesh were damaged in the altercation. The police then escorted Ramesh to Devarapalli. Boody Muthyala Naidu, the Deputy Chief Minister, is contesting for the Anakapalli Lok Sabha seat as the YSRCP candidate, while CM Ramesh is contesting as an alliance candidate for the same seat.
Meanwhile, Boody Muthyala Naidu was in his hometown of Thaduwa when a swarm of drones appeared near his residence. YSRCP activists apprehended the individuals operating these drones and handed them over to the police. Boody Muthyala Naidu alleged that the drones were conducting reconnaissance with the intent to harm him.
YSRCP Leaders Attack On Anakapalle BJP MP Candidate CM Ramesh
Wednesday, January 22, 2025