Turaka Kishore, a leader of the YSR Congress Party (YSRCP), was arrested by the police for his involvement in an attack on TDP leaders Buddha Venkanna and Bonda Uma in Macharla during the previous government’s tenure. Kishore, who is reportedly a close associate of former YSRCP MLA P. Ramakrishnareddy, has been accused of engaging in criminal activities and violence, allegedly with the protection of the former administration.
Following the formation of the coalition government in Andhra Pradesh, Kishore went into hiding to evade arrest. However, after a search operation by the Palnadu police, he was apprehended in Hyderabad.
Despite being arrested under the previous government, Kishore was granted station bail within a day, raising concerns over his influence at the time. Authorities are continuing their investigation into his alleged involvement in various illicit activities.