A short while ago, Andhra Pradesh Congress leader YS Sharmila, contesting as a Lok Sabha candidate from Kadapa, submitted her nomination papers. Accompanied by her sister Sunitha, she presented the documents to the returning officer at the Kadapa collectorate. Earlier in the day, Sharmila placed her nomination papers at YS Ghat in Idupulapaya and paid homage. Addressing the gathering, she expressed hope that the constituents of Kadapa would deliver a favorable outcome in the upcoming election.
Prior to this, Sharmila shared a post on social media, stating, “On this auspicious occasion, I take a step towards justice and success, seeking the blessings of God, my father, and the heartfelt wishes of my dear mother and children. I urge everyone, especially those who cherish the memories of YS Rajasekhar Reddy and YS Vivekananda Reddy, to bless me.
YS Sharmila Files Nomination from Kadapa
Wednesday, January 22, 2025