Anil Kumar, the brother of APCC president YS Sharmila’s husband, shed light on her entry into Telangana politics and the founding of the YSRTP party. While Sharmila had been involved in politics previously, including undertaking a massive 3,200-km padayatra for YS Jagan, she initially had no intentions of forming a party. However, in 2020, election strategist Prashant Kishor visited their home in Bengaluru and suggested that Sharmila should engage in political work in Telangana. Kishor conveyed Jagan’s previous statement that he would send Sharmila to Telangana, emphasizing the need to prevent the people of Telangana from suffering. Despite concerns raised by Jagan about potential challenges from KCR, Sharmila ultimately decided to enter Telangana politics, as revealed by Anil Kumar in an interview with a popular YouTube channel.
Anil Kumar elaborated that Sharmila aimed to nurture good leaders in Telangana through the YSRCP and promote good governance. While she initially contemplated contesting the Telangana Assembly elections, she withdrew her candidacy to avoid direct confrontation with KCR, recognizing her potential to win if she ran. Anil Kumar further disclosed that Sharmila had raised concerns with the Congress high command during merger discussions, advocating for fair treatment of YSRCP loyalists, but faced opposition from certain politicians.
YS Sharmila Husband Brother Anil’s Exclusive Interview
Wednesday, January 22, 2025