Oscars 2023 has marked the culmination of the year-long publicity campaign of SS Rajamouli’s RRR, which swept various box office records across the globe after its release on March 25th last year. Now, both Ram Charan and NTR are back in India after receiving a roaring reception from Western audiences. While Ram Charan is already busy with the shooting formalities of his upcoming film, it is now time for NTR to get back to his work.
After dilly-dallying for more than a year, NTR’s next outing which is the 30th film in his filmography is all set to start rolling the next week. The formal launch of this highly anticipated big-budget pan-India project is going to be held on the 23rd of this month. The regular shooting will commence a few days after the launch. NTR has now completely shifted his focus to this film which is a very crucial one for both him and director Koratala Siva. Referred to as NTR30, this project is the cynosure of everyone for so many reasons.
NTR waited for nearly 18 months for Koratala to come up with a bound script. The story underwent several sweeping changes before getting the final nod from NTR. There is a lot of pressure on both NTR and Koratala to deliver a big hit with this film. As this is the immediate next film of NTR after RRR, there will be mammoth expectations in trade circles across the country given that his pan-India market will be at stake. The box office performance of this film will decide the market of his future projects in other territories beyond Telugu States.
Also, Koratala Siva must come up with solid content to silence his critics who came down heavily after his previous outing Acharya came a cropper at the box office. He faced severe backlash for his haphazard script and scattershot screenplay. So, NTR30 is technically a career-defining project for Koratala Siva. He needs to take this on a prestigious note deliver and a big comeback.
As all eyes are on this project and a lot of money and prestige is at stake, NTR30 is a crucial one for both NTR and Koratala.
Why #NTR30 is crucial for both NTR and Koratala
Saturday, January 18, 2025