With his swashbuckling act as Ram in SS Rajamouli’s RRR, actor Ram Charan turned out to be a knockout among moviegoers across the globe. He is now a sensation beyond India. There have been numerous reports about his possible Hollywood collaboration in the future given the craze and popularity he attained after the release of RRR in western countries. Keeping the speculations about his Hollywood entry aside, Charan boasts a healthy line-up of projects in the next few years.
Unlike NTR, Charan hardly wasted any time after wrapping up RRR. He immediately kick-started Shankar’s film which is fast finishing the shooting formalities. The makers are planning to release the film in January next year as a Sankranti treat. Charan is planning the wrap up the entire shooting part by the end of August. Charan doesn’t want to take any gap between Shankar’s film and his next project. He wants to commence the shoot of Buchi Babu’s film immediately and complete it by mid-next year.
Though there is no official announcement about his future projects, it is heard that Charan has kept a couple of crazy directors like Lokesh Kanagaraj and Narthan in waiting mode. Reportedly, he is going to team up with both of these directors for his next two films. After RRR, Charan is preferring to do path-breaking films that will cut across moviegoers from different languages. He is choosing out-of-box scripts that have good scope to unleash his acting potential.
Sources close to the actor revealed that he wants to cash in on the newfound craze outside the country. He is choosing scripts accordingly and doesn’t want to disappoint audiences across the globe. He is planning his career perfectly with an envious list of projects in the next three years.
What a terrific planning by Ram Charan after RRR
Wednesday, January 22, 2025