Vishwaksen’s upcoming film Laila, which is grabbing attention due to its bold storyline and innovative concept, is quite unique as he has portrayed two contrasting characters. As Sonu Model, he is depicted as lively and vibrant, while his transformation into the graceful and enchanting Laila has drawn much attention from the crowds and has sent a wave of curiosity across the nation.
The teaser, just released, gives a glimpse of this interesting plot. With Sonu, a local heart-throb, being accused by the community to be in relationship with women one after another, the situation turns very dramatic and unexpected when he transforms to become the charming Laila, and it left everyone curiously wondering what was behind that transformation.
Vishwaksen has delivered a scintillating performance, effortlessly switching between the energetic Sonu and the stunning Laila. Director Ram Narayan has masterfully crafted a unique and engaging storyline, blending elements of drama and intrigue to offer a fresh cinematic experience.
The breathtaking visuals, captured by cinematographer Richard Prasad, and Leon James’s catchy musical score make the narration richer. It is produced under the Shine Screens banner by Sahu Garapati, promising good production values as well.
Laila will hit the theaters on February 14th and promises to be the highlight of this Valentine’s Day as it presents a mix of drama, mystery, and some amazing performance from Vishwaksen in a cinema that one is not going to forget.