Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej’s upcoming film Virupaksha piqued the curiosity of moviegoers with its intriguing teaser last month. Now, the makers unveiled the theatrical trailer this Tuesday morning and it further heightens the buzz on the film for its riveting cut.
Going by the two-minute trailer, Virupaksha is a rustic romantic drama set in the backdrop of a mystic village where some strange happenings leave everyone puzzled and frightened. The lead protagonist is tasked with the job to solve the mystery and his quest to find a solution encounters so many obstacles and breathtaking incidents. How he achieves his goal forms the rest of the narrative which we need to find out on the big screen.
The trailer starts with the voice of the heroine Samyuktha who introduces a mystery village as her native place to the hero. Then, a couple of romantic scenes between the lead pair are showcased. This leads us to a series of intriguing scenes about the eeriness surrounding the village. Sunil seems to have got a meaty role in this supernatural thriller.
Director Karthik Varma Dandu manages to keep the viewers interested with his suspenseful and eventful narration. Sukumar’s screenplay comes in handy to complement the narration. Kantara fame Anjaneesh Loknath keeps the tempo of the trailer with his absorbing background score. Cinematography by Samdat is adequate.
Sai Dharam Tej looks energetic and dynamic in his role. Samyuktha seems to have a substantial role dosed with glamour. Production values by BVSN Prasad and impressive. The film is slated for release on April 21st.
Virupaksha Trailer : Mystery Shrouds Romance
Wednesday, January 22, 2025