National Award-winning hero Allu Arjun met legendary Tollywood actor Brahmanandam at the latter’s residence in Hyderabad on Friday evening. This is the first public appearance of Bunny after winning the Best Actor award for his outstanding performance in Pushpa. It is a known fact that Brahmanandam’s second son got married recently. Bunny didn’t attend the marriage ceremony and reception due to some personal reasons. So, he blessed the new couple and spent some time with Brahmanandam on this occasion.
Bunny and Brahmanandham exchanged a few pleasantries and appeared in full Josh during this meet. Brahmi congratulated him on securing the Best Actor award and handed over a bouquet as a sweet gesture. Some of the adorable pictures from this meeting are currently going viral on social media. Brahmanandam and his wife along with the new couple – Siddharth and Aishwarya are seen in the same frame with Bunny in these pictures.
It is well known that Brahmanandam appeared in a cameo in the popular Ramulo Ramulo song in Allu Arjun’s blockbuster Ala Vaikunthaporramuloo in 2020. This is the last film the duo acted together. They share a very good rapport off the screen as well.
Viral Pics : Allu Arjun meets Brahmanandam and family
Wednesday, January 22, 2025