RRR actor Ram Charan and his wife Upasana welcomed their first baby last Tuesday and their happiness seems to be boundless. The couple is delighted with the new bundle of joy and they thanked the film and media fraternity for their wishes. Charan showered praises on his fans for their prayers and love for the baby.
For the first time after her delivery, Upasana Konidela posted a Tweet this Saturday evening. She treated Mega fans with an adorable snap. In the picture, Charan and Upasana are seen in a delightful mood with smiles on their faces as they pose for the camera with their baby. Though the face of the baby is not revealed, this picture is worth a million likes. Ram Charan’s pet Rhyme is also spotted in the picture. It seems like they have arranged a party for her close family members and friends on the eve of their homecoming with the baby for the first time.
Charan informed that he and Upasana have already selected a name for the baby and it will be revealed during an appropriate occasion. Charan will take a paternity leave from his work to look after the baby and Upasana. He will resume work on Game Changer in August.
Viral Pic: Charan and Upasana are all smiles with new baby
Wednesday, January 22, 2025