In a dramatic move, Vijaya Sai Reddy, leader of YSR Congress and who recently created a political sensation with his retirement announcement from active politics, on Saturday morning resigned from his Rajya Sabha seat. After making an exit from his official residence here, he proceeded to the Vice President’s residence to tender his resignation letter to Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar. The resignation was formally presented in accordance with the procedures required and Dhankhar confirmed that next steps would be taken.
In the meantime, YSR Congress MP Guru Murthy visited Sai Reddy’s residence for a private conversation. After their meeting, Guru Murthy addressed the media, sharing that he had urged Sai Reddy to reconsider his decision to step away from politics. He noted that Sai Reddy was receptive to the suggestion but refrained from providing further details on the reasons behind the veteran leader’s decision.
After the discussion, Sai Reddy and Guru Murthy left his residence together. However, after a brief parting, Sai Reddy proceeded alone to the Vice President’s residence. While Guru Murthy spoke to the media outside Sai Reddy’s home, Sai Reddy’s car departed without offering any public comments. When approached by reporters, he simply waved before driving off, offering no further statement.
Speculation is rife in political circles about how Sai Reddy’s decision would affect YSR Congress Party after he has practically closed the curtain on his career with a decision to step away from active politics. It marks the end of a chapter which would be of much interest to political analysts and the public eye alike.