Controversial astrologer Venu Swamy publicly apologized to the Telangana State Women’s Commission on Tuesday. Venu Swamy, who made inappropriate comments on the marriage of actor Akkineni Naga Chaitanya and Shobitha, has publicly apologized to the Telangana Women’s Commission. He has submitted a written letter to the Women’s Commission Chairperson Neralla Sarada stating that he is withdrawing his comments.
Soon after Nagar Chaitanya and Sobhitha’s engagement was over, Venu Swamy had previously commented that both of them would not be together for long. Astrologer said that both of them would get divorced in a couple of years. This has resulted in uproar all over for making such unwarranted comments at a time both of them decided to marry.
Members of the Film Journalists Union Association complained to the Telangana Women’s Commission about Venu Swamy’s unwarranted comments. The Telangana Women’s Commission immediately issued notices to Venu Swamy on this.
Without responding to the Commission’s notices, he approached the High Court challenging the Women’s Commission’s notices. The High Court has ruled that he must appear before the Women’s Commission. Following the High Court’s orders, the Women’s Commission has issued another notice to Venu Swamy.
He attended the Women’s Commission office on Tuesday and said that he has withdrawn his comments. He apologized to the Women’s Commission. Women’s Commission Chairperson Sharada warned Venu Swamy not to repeat such comments again. The controversy and criticism that have been going on for some time now seem to have come to an end now.
It may be recalled that Venuswamy, who has been associated with the film industry for some time, has been going viral with sensational predictions. After his previous prediction that Naga Chaitanya and Samantha will be separated became true, his predictions started creating uproar and became talk of the film industry.
Since then, he has become very famous by performing various variety pujas with celebrities, telling the horoscopes of film and political figures, and giving interviews to YouTube channels. In this process, he has often been in the news for saying many controversial comments, interesting things, and shocking things.