Mega Prince Varun Tej teamed up with debutant director Shakti Pratap Singh Hada for a one-of-its-kind air force actioner. Billed as a patriotic drama, the war action spectacle was announced last year and it also marks Varun’s Bollywood debut because of the universal subject that is said to be inspired by true events unravelled during a crucial mission led by the Indian Air Force contingent in recent years.
On this Monday, the makers announced ‘Operation Valentine’ as the film’s title. Varun Tej will be seen as a pilot of IAF and he will pack a punch with his stupendous performance in this power-packed role. Reportedly, it is the most challenging role ever for Varun and he stepped up to the task to essay the role of an indomitable pilot with great panache and conviction.
Operation Valentine is going to offer an edge-of-the-seat experience to moviegoers on December 8th when it unspools in theatres. It is being made on an extravagant scale with top-notch technical values.
Miss World Manushi Chillar is the leading lady and she plays a significant role in the narrative. Sony Pictures International and Renaissance Pictures are jointly bankrolling the film.
Varun Tej’s most challenging role in ‘Operation Valentine’
Wednesday, January 22, 2025