Three South Indian films released last week amid high expectations. While Tamil Superstar Thalapathy Vijay’s gangster drama Leo shattered many existing records, seasoned Tollywood actor Balakrishna achieved a rare milestone with his latest outing Bhagavanth Kesari after the end of first weekend run in USA. Ravi Teja’s Tiger Nageswara failed to make an impact.
Leo, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, took a record-breaking start at the North America box office with a $ 1.85 million gross from Wednesday premieres. This is the biggest opening of 2023 for an Indian film overseas. The Vijay starrer punched out solid revenues on all days thereafter to cross various milestones every day. The film surpassed $ 650K on three consecutive days and breached the $ 4 million mark before Sunday. By the end of Weekend, Leo amassed close to $ 4.5 Million and entered the top 10 highest-grossing films of Kollywood.
Premieres : $1,857,010
Day1 : $675,518
Day2 : $684,107
Day3 : $763,928
Day4 : $270,008 ( more to add)
Nandamuri Balakrishna completed a hat-trick of million-dollar films in USA with Bhagavanth Kesari, a feat that is unheard of among other senior heroes of Tollywood. This is the third hit for Balayya after Akhanda and Veera Simha Reddy. Despite getting mixed reports, Bhagavanth Kesari managed to collect decent numbers on all days after taking a phenomenal opening with half a million dollar gross on its premieres day.
Premieres : $512,680
Day1 : $145,625
Day2 : $145,246
Day3 : $151,627
Day4 : $44,892 ( more to add)
Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja’s much-anticipated biopic drama Tiger Nageswara Rao fell short of the high expectations due to heavy runtime and incoherent writing. The commercial entertainer couldn’t sustain due to strong competition and poor word of mouth. The film is struggling to surpass the $ 300K mark in USA.
USA BO : Leo strikes big, NBK achieves a rare milestone
Wednesday, January 22, 2025