Superstar Rajinikanth’s latest release Jailer has been shattering numerous box office records ever since its release on August 10th. After taking a phenomenal start, the Nelson Dilip Kumar directional refused to slow down as it went on a record-breaking spree with each passing day. By the end of 10 days, Jailer emerged as a blockbuster in all territories and also ended Rajinikanth’s flop streak. While domestic numbers are terrific, the overseas collections are equally impressive.
In USA, Jailer broke several existing records with its stupendous run. The film’s collections surpassed the prestigious $ 5 million mark on its second Saturday and it emerged as the fourth Kollywood venture after PS 1, 2.0 and PS 2. Also, Rajinikanth became the first Kollywood actor and second South Indian actor to have two $5 million films in USA. In its full run, the film is likely to emerge as the second highest-grossing Tamil film of all time after Mani Ratnam’s PS 1.
Jailer embarked on a phenomenal start with $ 948K from its Wednesday premieres. With a sensational run, the film grossed $ 4 million in the first weekend. On weekdays, Jailer secured decent revenues and added another $ 900K to its tally. With second Saturday sales, it entered the $ 5 million club.
Rajinikanth’s explosive screen presence and Nelson’s power-packed presentation overshadowed the narrative shortcomings of Jailer. The positive word of mouth and unanimous reviews helped the film run riot at the box office.
USA BO : Jailer hits $ 5 Million, becomes 2nd film for Rajinikanth
Wednesday, January 22, 2025