No one would have expected a bigger flop than Acharya for Megastar Chiranjeevi in the near future. But, Meher Ramesh proved them wrong with Bholaa Shankar. The film turned out to be an epic disaster at the box office. The embarrassing collections after the first weekend painted a sorry picture. Even Chiru might have not expected such a huge debacle after scoring the career-biggest blockbuster with Waltair Veerayya.
The unexpected result of Bholaa Shankar left Chiru in a spot of bother. More than the result, it was his decision to accept a remake under the direction of Meher Ramesh will haunt fans and trade circles for a long time. Now, Chiru is in a huge dilemma. He has already agreed to work with Kalyana Krishna of Banggaraju fame and Bimbisara director Mallidi Vasistha. He was supposed to shoot for both these films simultaneously. But, Bholaa Shankar has pushed him into defensive mode.
As per reliable reports, Chiru wants to take a two-month break. He is not in a hurry to commence the shooting formalities immediately. He wants to go through the scripts once again and discuss them with the directors before going ahead with their plans.
Chiru now turned more cautious because Bholaa Shankar resulted in huge losses for all buyers. He will need to compensate for the losses and also take a decision about his next projects. As both these directors are inexperienced, Chiru wants to make sure that everything is watertight before they start the shooting formalities.
As of now, there is no clarity if Chiru will go ahead with both these projects or will he change his mind and think of other options.
Unexpected shock leaves Chiru in a big dilemma
Wednesday, January 22, 2025