Seasoned Telugu actor Nandamuri Balakrishna joined forces with entertainment specialist filmmaker Anil Ravipudi for a powerful action drama laced with daughter sentiment. Ahead of Balayya’s birthday on June 10th, the makers of this film revealed the title with a powerful poster this Thursday morning. This is Balakrishna’s 108th film.
As speculated in media, the film is titled Bhagavanth Kesari with a tagline ‘ I Don’t Care’. The poster presents Balakrishna in an intense avatar piercing a heavy metallic object into the ground in the backdrop of a factory. He is seen sporting a salt-and-pepper look with a handlebar moustache. It appears like Ravipudi is presenting him in a fierce avatar with imprudent mannerisms. The Pataas and Supreme director promised to showcase Balakrishna in a never before avatar and we have to wait till Dussehra to see what he has in store with this film.
The Poster design looks good and the State Emblem of India imprinted on the title hints that Balakrishna might been seen as a cop in this film. Happening beauty Sree Leela is essaying the role of Balakrishna’s daughter. Kajal Aggarwal is returning as the female lead after her marriage with this film. SS Thaman is rendering the soundtrack for the film.
Shine Screens banner is bankrolling the film which is going to hit the screens in October as a Dussehra treat.
Title Poster : Balakrishna as Bhagavanth Kesari looks fierce and powerful
Tuesday, January 21, 2025