High-profile actress Rashmika Mandanna, who is currently busy with much anticipated upcoming films like Pushpa 2 and Animal, is going to dip her toes in a lady-oriented film for the first time in her career. She teamed up with Rahul Ravindran, who previously directed films like Chi La Sow and Manmadhudu 2, for an interesting drama under the production of Allu Arvind’s Geetha Arts.
The makers on this Sunday morning revealed ‘The GirlFriend’ as the film’s title and unveiled a brief glimpse which hints that it is going to be a psychological thriller with a love story. The glimpse doesn’t reveal much of the plot but intriguingly presents the National Crush with a muted emotion underwater. It starts with the voice-over of a male character who says his girlfriend puts him over everything else in her life. He feels it is a different kick to have a girlfriend who is so loving like her.
Rashmika initially demonstrates a kind of cheerful and happy emotion, but as the camera gets closer, her mood changes to a pensive state. Hesham Abdul Wahab comes up with a fitting score to suit the different emotions displayed by her in the glimpse. Interestingly, the remaining characters are not revealed by the team.
Krishna Vasant handles the cinematography and Shravya Varma designs the costumes for this film. The principal photography commences soon.
‘The GirlFriend’ : Rashmika is both happy and pensive
Wednesday, January 22, 2025