The Telangana government has appointed IAS officer Amrapali as the Municipal Commissioner of Greater Hyderabad. This decision was announced by Telangana Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari on Monday afternoon. In addition to Amrapali, a total of 44 IAS officers have been transferred by the Revanth Reddy administration. Among the key appointments, Sudarshan Reddy has been named Principal Secretary of the General Administration Department (GAD), Sanjay Kumar as Principal Secretary of the Labour, Employment, and Training Department, Sabyasachi Ghosh as Principal Secretary of the Animal Husbandry Department, and Vani Prasad as Principal Secretary of the Youth Services, Tourism, and Sports Department.
Shailaja Ramaiyar has been appointed as Principal Secretary of Handloom and Handicrafts, with the additional responsibility of Managing Director of Handlooms and TGCO Handcrafts. Senior IAS officer Sandeep Kumar Sultania has been designated as Principal Secretary of the Finance Ministry, also taking on the additional role of Principal Secretary of the Planning Department. Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari issued an order appointing IAS officer Ahmed Nadeem as Principal Secretary of the Forest and Environment Departments.
Telangana : 44 IAS officials Transferred
Wednesday, January 22, 2025