TDP leader Chandrababu Naidu participated in the Prajagalam gathering held at Guduru in Kodumuru constituency of Kurnool district. Addressing the crowd, he noted the significant turnout in Gudur and highlighted a growing sentiment of discontent among the people. Naidu emphasized that the Telugu Desam Party remains committed to upholding principles of social justice in alignment with public sentiment.
Reflecting on the response received in Alur, Mantralayam, and Kodumuru constituencies, Naidu expressed confidence in the party’s standing. He reiterated TDP’s commitment to equitable representation across all castes, affirming that ticket distribution was proportional to the population.
Naidu criticized his political opponent, referring to Jagan as “Psycho Jagan,” alleging a history of deceitful rhetoric. Asserting his own integrity, Naidu pledged to fulfill his promises and openly admit if unable to do so. He underscored his long-standing dedication to the people over four decades, reiterating his commitment to advancing the welfare of all citizens and elevating Andhra Pradesh to the forefront nationally.
Naidu clarified that the formation of the alliance was a response to the significant challenges faced by the state, emphasizing the need for collective action to address them effectively.
TDP Chief Chandrbabu’s prajagalam in Kodumuru
Wednesday, January 22, 2025