The NDA government will be formed at the Centre in the next few hours, with the BJP-led NDA alliance taking the helm. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to be sworn in for a third term today. Amidst this, there is considerable interest in the composition of Modi’s new team and clarity regarding the union ministerial berths allocated to the TDP.
It appears that the TDP will receive two union ministerial berths. The BJP high command is finalizing the cabinet composition, and it has been decided to allocate two ministerial positions to the TDP. Srikakulam MP Kinjarapu Rammohan Naidu is almost confirmed for a cabinet berth, while Guntur MP Pemmasani Chandrasekhar, a first-time winner, is likely to be appointed as a Minister of State. However, the specific portfolios for these positions have yet to be announced.
TDP Central Cabinet Ministers : Rammohan Naidu and Pemmasani Chandra Sekhar
Wednesday, January 22, 2025