Akkineni Akhil’s much-anticipated spy thriller Agent, which released last Friday, is heading towards emerging as one of the biggest box office failures in Tollywood this year. The Surender Reddy directional took a disastrous opening on its first day with a disappointing 5 Crores share worldwide and then followed it up with zero shares on its second day. As per the current trend, there will be negligible figures on Sunday and it is likely to be a complete washout from Monday as the talk is very discouraging.
The debacle of Agent has come as a rude shock to both trade circles and Akkineni fans as it is quite unexpected that a hotshot director like Surender Reddy, who is known for delivering minimum guarantee films in his career so far, came up with such a slipshod output for a dynamic youngster like Akhil who transformed himself like never before for this film.
Nothing went in their way for both Surender Reddy and Akhil since the beginning of this project three years ago. The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic and the lengthy schedules led to a lot of delay in the production due to which the buzz on the film tapered down in due course.
First things first, it was Surender Reddy’s blind trust in his reliable story writer Vakkantam Vamshi that led to this costly mistake. The story is such an outdated and misfiring concept that it left moviegoers and critics in absolute shock as they are unable to fathom how the team expected that such a lousy subject would click with the viewers.
Secondly, it is Akhil who should be blamed for this egregious failure. Even after being in the industry for nearly 8 years and hailing from an illustrious family, Akhil couldn’t select a novel commercial script that elevates his stardom. His story selection is outrightly bad as he simply trusted Surender Reddy’s track record of stylish films. He concentrated more on his appearance rather than the making of the film.
Moreover, it is Akhil who is the major reason for the inordinate delay in completing the filming of Agent on time. Due to his unavailability, the shooting formalities got delayed several times which is why the film got postponed a couple of times.
So, both Surender Reddy and Akhil should equally be held responsible for this embarrassing blunder which would weigh heavily on their careers.
Surender Reddy or Akhil, who is the real culprit behind ‘ Agent ‘ debacle
Wednesday, January 22, 2025