In a significant turn of events, the Supreme Court today rejected the bail plea of Nandigam Suresh, a former MP of YSRCP, who is behind the bars in the murder case of a Dalit woman, Mariamma, belonging to the Amaravati region. The murder occurred when the previous government of YSRCP was in power, and serious allegations have been raised against Nandigam Suresh in this case.
Nandigam Suresh had filed a petition before the Supreme Court, seeking relief as lower courts had rejected his bail applications. The apex court had heard the case and delivered its verdict today by rejecting his petition.
She belonged to Velagapudi of Thullur Mandal. During the previous government, she was killed. She had alleged then-Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy for cheating her by saying that her pension was stopped and a house that was promised to her was not built. Due to these allegations, Nandigam Suresh’s activists attacked Mariamma’s house which resulted in her death.
Although a complaint was filed, police did not take prompt action, and the case went to the backburner. After the new government assumed power, Mariamma’s son appealed to Minister Lokesh, who ordered the arrest of Nandigam Suresh along with 34 others
Earlier, the trial court had refused Nandigam Suresh bail, a decision the latter tried to contest in the Supreme Court, but the latter court upheld the trial court’s decision and refused granting the bail, meaning Nandigam Suresh’s legal battle is set to continue.