AP CM Jagan encountered an attack in Vijayawada during his bus yatra. Miscreants hurled stones at Singh Nagar, where CM Jagan was on board a bus. One of the stones, thrown from the top of a nearby school building, struck CM Jagan’s left eye. Immediate medical attention was provided by his personal medical staff. Despite the pain, CM Jagan resiliently continued his journey on the bus.
Investigations suggest that the stone was possibly thrown with significant force. CCTV footage from the school premises is being scrutinized by the police. The attack coincided with disruptions in the power supply along the route of CM Jagan’s visit.
MLA Vellampalli, who was accompanying CM Jagan, also sustained an injury to his left eye during the incident.
AP CM Jagan Injured as Miscreants Hurl Stone in Vijayawada
Wednesday, January 22, 2025