Superstar Mahesh Babu’s 28th film has been facing creative hurdles ever since it went on floors last year. The film kicked off with an action episode under the supervision of KGF stunt masters. As Mahesh didn’t like the output, Trivikram scrapped the entire fight sequence and made some changes to the script. Mahesh was not pleased with the changes. So, Trivikram has no other option but to change the entire script. They made a fresh start this year.
After shooting for a couple of schedules, Mahesh once again expressed dissatisfaction with Trivikram’s script. He felt that the script needs some more detailing and should be watertight. Close sources to the team revealed that Trivikram is once again working on the script. He is reportedly making necessary changes to some key portions in the script to give another narration to Mahesh Babu.
The shooting formalities will resume only if Trivikram convinces Mahesh with the changes. It is reliably heard that Mahesh is not happy with the way Trivikram is handling this project. Meanwhile, the makers are planning to announce the title of this film on May 31st. This might put an end to all the ongoing speculations. A couple of titles are in consideration by Trivikram. But, he is currently busy with the script work.
#SSMB28 – Trivikram making changes to script yet again
Wednesday, January 22, 2025