Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram has drawn the attention of Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan. While the Trivikram Srinivas directional is off to a sensational start at the box office despite receiving scathing reviews from moviegoers, Shah Rukh sprung a surprise with his post on X.
An overly excited Shah Rukh took to X this afternoon and shared the theatrical trailer of Guntur Kaaram. He wrote ” Looking forward to #GunturKaaram my friend @urstrulyMahesh!!! A promising ride of action, emotion and of course…. Massss!!! Highly inflammable!
Shah Rukh and Mahesh Babu share a strong rapport. When SRK’s Jawan released and emerged as a blockbuster, Mahesh watched it and praised it through his X platform. He congratulated Shah Rukh and Atlee for delivering a blockbuster cinema and heaped accolades on their work.
Now, it is Shah Rukh’s turn to shower his love and respect on Mahesh Babu. Going by his tweet, it may not be a surprise if he watches the film and comes up with another post very soon. His tweet came as some respite for Mahesh Babu’s fans who are disappointed with the output.
Mahesh Babu’s energetic performance and stylish demeanor are the only saving grace for the film. Trivikram’s beaten-to-death storyline and substandard direction came as a big disappointment. However, the first-day numbers are quite sensational due to the strong hype.
SRK calls Guntur Kaaram Highly Inflammable
Wednesday, January 22, 2025