Ram Pothineni starrer Skanda seems to be struggling at the box office despite not facing heavy competition from other releases. The film, a Boyapati Srinu directional, which took a strong opening on its opening day with career-best figures for Ram with 9 Crores share worldwide, failed to continue its momentum on its second day.
As per reliable trade estimates, Skanda collected less than 4 Crores on Friday and disappointed its buyers. In Naizam, the action drama notched up 1.5 Crores on day two after a solid opening. In Ceeded and Vizag , there is a heavy drop in collections. The numbers in the remaining territories are also not so encouraging. The film grossed around 26 Crores in two days which means it will need a very good long weekend because of Gandhi Jayanti on Monday.
The makers of Skanda are hoping that there will be an uptick in footfalls from Saturday. It is a known fact that the film did close to 45 crores of theatrical business because of the Boyapati factor. So, it will need to perform exceedingly well to put the buyers in a safe zone.
The talk is below par for Skanda due to an overdose of mass elements and formulaic narration by Boyapati Srinu. Despite Ram’s power-packed performance and electrifying action blocks, the routine script proved to be a dampener for the box office prospects. The Sree Leela factor also didn’t work much for this film because she got an underwhelming role.
‘Skanda’ : Big hopes on long weekend
Wednesday, January 22, 2025