Hyderabad: Following directives from the Election Commission of India (ECI), the Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the poll-related violence in the Palnadu and Rayalaseema regions of Andhra Pradesh has submitted its report to the state DGP. On Monday, SIT chief and senior IPS officer Vineet Brijlal presented the 150-page confidential report to state DGP Harish Kumar Gupta.
The SIT was established pursuant to orders from the DGP to thoroughly review the investigation of major incidents of violence that occurred on polling day and during the post-poll period, affecting law and order in the districts of Palnadu, Tirupati, and Ananthapuramu. The SIT was tasked with compiling and submitting a detailed report within two days for onward submission to the ECI.
The 13-member SIT included one SP, one Additional SP, four DSPs, seven inspectors, and a Legal Advisor. Four sub-teams were formed, each headed by a DSP, to conduct the investigation.
SIT Chief Vineet Brijlal Handover Report on Violence After Polling
Tuesday, January 21, 2025